Dorell Sackett


“I am proud to be a part of the Spay-Neuter Action Project and empower people to be responsible pet owners. SNAP improves the welfare of pets, people and the community here in San Diego. Reaching 80,000 dogs, cats, and rabbits altered in San Diego County aboard our 38-foot high-volume surgical mobile unit, along with educating scores of families locally on the importance of proper pet care is a milestone for pets in this county.”

Read more about Dorell »

Kylie Bennett

Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator

Kylie will help you with all your scheduling needs. She is knowledgeable about many local San Diego organizations and has options for you and your pet. Kylie is a kitten and dog foster failure. Ask her what trouble Charlie has gotten into today!

You may also see Kylie at many of our fundraising events. She will help you with your donations and any fundraising activities you may want to do to help reduce pet overpopulation.

Joy Zakarian

Grants Program Manager

“I am excited for the opportunity to use my grant writing experience to benefit animals and SNAP. Spaying and neutering our pets is the key to reducing the numbers of unwanted and homeless animals. As costs for private veterinary care rise, low-cost services like what SNAP provides are more important than ever. SNAP depends on donations and grants to make this work possible. I am happy to be part of the team and grateful to all donors.” (Joy is pictured here with her sidekick, Mr Tibbs.)

Scheduling Team

Melina Lavullis


“I LOVE working for SNAP! I have been volunteering in Animal Welfare for 8 years. I was the Foster coordinator for PAWs Animal shelter Yokosuka in Japan and did TNR (Trap Neuter Return of feral cats) for the Japanese community and the Yokosuka Naval base for 4 years . I currently am a volunteer for the Feral Cat Coalition (FCC) and do TNR for the Orphan Kitten Club (OKC). I recently started volunteering for SDHS in their small pet section to learn more about rabbits.”



“I love working for SNAP because I am passionate about animal welfare/spaying and neutering! In my free time I foster rats for Wee Companions (I have loved rats all my life). I am a huge fan of the Bully breeds and love to support rescues that advocate for those big block heads. Once a week I go to a rescue in Jamul to socialize/exercise large dogs that were rescued from the shelter.”

Sierra Hill


Bio coming soon…


Dr. Laura Paris: Surgeon and Premise SNAP North
Dr. Sulani Grindle: Premise SNAP East
Dr. Kate Bader: Surgeon
Dr. Celeste Benavides: Surgeon
Dr. Ixchel Mosley: Surgeon
Dr. Terry Paik: Surgeon
Dr. Zoie Schaefer: Surgeon

Registered Veterinary Technicians

Kristin K.

Veterinary Assistants


Kennel Assistants

Kristin W.

Neuter Scooter

John Hammond
Barto Bartolucci

Neuter Scooter Client Service Desk

Kristin W.

Vaccine Clinic Technicians


“Quotes” from Our Customers

“Absolutely wonderful for low-income elderly.”
Rita from Oceanside

“We wanted to say thank you soooo much for offering this service for our sweet kitty! We totaled up how much service we received for $30 and it would have been about THREE times as much! We’re on a ridiculous budget right now, so we really needed this special very much! Thank you, and bless you all!”
Love from Shannon, Shayne & Luna

“SNAP is a great organization. Anyone who goes out of their way to help animals is great in my book and SNAP does more than go out of their way. They’re a group of wonderfully dedicated and selfless people.”
Mike S.

“Thank God for this program. Couldn’t afford it without you”
T. Tigert